Domestic Case Studies

Case study: 2.6 kwp  in Leeds
Date of Install: June 2016
Client: Matt and Gemma 

In June 2016, SRM installed a 2.6 KWp system consisting of  all black JA Solar panels, with a Solis invertor and a 5 KWH battery for Matt and Gemma, on their newly built home Gym and Garage. The solar panels are south facing, designed as in-roof system in all black, a beautiful aesthetically pleasing design.

Both Matt and Gemma, are home workers and have a reasonably high daytime usage, thus solar PV is well suited to their needs.

The chart below is a comparison of the original

Design output alongside Matt and Gemma’s usage data, as can be seen their daytime usage is higher than designed generation for most of the days in the year. 

However, this system is actually performing a whopping 26% above the design, with most days, from the start of March through to early November actual generation is equal or greater than daytime usage.


This is a Photo, provided by Matt, of his smart meter, showing they are currently not importing or exporting energy at 2:25pm (photo taken in Mid October 22). This demonstrates that their solar is matching the demands of their house, and actually exporting spare generation to their battery.

We had our home gym built in 2016 and consulted with SRM to include an in-roof solar PV system. Initially our thoughts were quite simple, it seemed like the decent thing to do, more an ethical decision than financial. However, the current energy inflation has proven that this was a fantastic decision! As was the choice of installer, SRM were very professional, affordable and clearly expert. The system they designed and installed is actually performing 26% better than expected, it more than covers our daytime usage – which is fairly high as my wife and I both predominately work from home.

I would have no hesitation in recommending this technology and also SRM

Matt and Gemma

Case study: 4 KWp in Wetherby   
Date of Install: Nov 2011
Client: Paul and Susan

We installed a 4 KWp system consisting of JA Solar black panels, and a Fronius invertor, on Paul and Susan’s South West facing roof in Nov 2001. Then earlier this year we added in to the design a 10 KWH battery.
SRM have been monitoring the true performance of the system, along with over 350 other systems, and can confirm that this installation is actually performing at over 19% better than the initial design.
The original install, which benefited from the full Feed in Tariff, did not include a battery, so the majority of the generation is being exported to the grid. Like most people however, Paul and Susan’s usage is heightened in the evening and so are importing from the grid after sun down. 

As can be seen on the graph, daytime usage is significantly lower than generation for the months of March to October, so the majority of this generated power is not being utilised in the property.
The next step therefore is for SRM to install a 10 KWH battery in order to capture way more of their solar generated power for own use.


We initially  installed the solar panels with SRM in 2011, mainly to get the benefit of the Feed In Tariff subsidy, which has been great as the systems is now fully paid back -within 10 years!

However, even better the panels are performing so well – which has been just fantastic, especially given this year’s energy crisis. SRM came back this year to assess performance of the panels and look at ways to improve the systems. 

When they compared performance to the initial design it transpires that over the last 10 years we have been performing at 19% above their original design, amazing! Plus, by adding in a battery, we have practically doubled the savings were making in our usage! Thank you so so much SRM! I would have no hesitation in recommending this 5 out 5 company.”

Paul and Susan